"Finger Tabs" in "Protective Gear" Market & Product Research on Amazon | AmzChart
For most Amazon sellers, product research is quite important because it related to sales as well as Amazon sales rank. Are you interested in Finger Tabs market? Is Finger Tabs a potential niche industry for you to dive into? What kind of products is selling well within Finger Tabs?
With the help of Amazon BSR Tracker & Chart, AmzChart, you will have a great knowledge of Finger Tabs niche industry, and top-selling products within this category as well.You can check for more information on our website amazon seller ranking.
Finger Tabs Market Analysis & Product Research
Amazon Finger Tabs category created on 09-15-2003, currently has 176 listings, 332 variations, 2617 reviews, 41.37% positive rating, as well as 1.1% negative rating. Also, in the past 7 days, the reviews growth of it is 144, and in the past 30 days, the reviews growth of it is 392. The whole category paths of Finger Tabs are:
Sports & Outdoors->Sports & Fitness->Hunting & Fishing->Archery->Accessories->Protective Gear->Finger Tabs;
We have expressed some basic info about the Finger Tabs category above and will analyze the detailed distribution of products under Finger Tabs with some metrics to help you figure out what type of products are suitable for Finger Tabs category.You can check for more information on bsr amazon fba.
Top products in Finger Tabs | Average Price | Average Reviews | Average Star Ratings | Average Release Date | New Brand Opportunity Index |
Top 20 products under Finger Tabs | $11.04 | 115 | 4.43 | 03-13-2019 | 74.31 |
Top 50 products under Finger Tabs | $11.78 | 66 | 4.35 | 11-08-2018 | 71.47 |
Top 100 products under Finger Tabs | $13.54 | 38 | 4.29 | 07-06-2018 | 78.56 |
*New Brand Opportunity Index means the opportunity for new brands in Finger Tabs category, the greater the number, the greater the opportunity.
I believe you already have a clear understanding of the Finger Tabs industry as well as product information under Finger Tabs. When it comes to finding a potential niche market, what metrics are worthy of our attention?
First, category path. We have revealed the whole category path of Finger Tabs niche category, that's Sports & Outdoors->Sports & Fitness->Hunting & Fishing->Archery->Accessories->Protective Gear->Finger Tabs;. When launching products, you should check every path to ensure each of them still has opportunities left for you. If you want to get more content, click amazon sales rank chart .
Also, if too many listings crowded in one category, it might show there has fierce competition. Currently, Finger Tabs has 176 listings in total, is the competition fierce?
Moreover, you have to consider the products' prices under this category. In Finger Tabs category, the average prices of top20, top50, and top100 products are: $11.04, $11.78, $13.54. If you want to rank your products higher in the Finger Tabs category, accordingly, when you price your item, you should refer to the average price of these top products. Get more tips: "shopmaster alternatives ","Amazon BSR tracker ".
What's more, category activity is another metric you won't miss. We always check total reviews and the changes/growth of reviews under the Finger Tabs category. If the reviews rise rapidly in a short period of time, it means that the category is currently very popular in the market. Now, Finger Tabs's reviews grow 144 in the past 7 days, is this category currently popular in the market?
Of course, there are many more metrics that can help you find a potential niche category waiting for you to explore in AmzChart, the effective Amazon BSR Chart. Then you can decide whether Finger Tabs is a good niche for you to work on.
5 Best Finger Tabs Products to Sell on Amazon
After analyzing the Finger Tabs category with every detail. Is Finger Tabs a good idea? I think there already has the answer in your mind. If you are going to launch your product in Finger Tabs, I would highly suggest you check Amazon BSR and Amazon sales rank chart in this category and the performance of these high BSR products. No worries, I have prepared 5 top products in Finger Tabs category for you to "spy on". If you are interested in cross-border e-commerce or advertising optimization, you can also check shoutout examples .

Hide & Drink, Rustic Leather Right Handed Archery Finger Tab, Protect Guard for Recurve Bows, Fingers Protector, Shooting Practice Gear, Outdoors & Sports Essentials Handmade :: Bourbon Brown
ASIN Number: B07H11W38P
PASIN Number: B07H11W38P
BSR: 34455
Buybox Price: $13.99
Buybox Seller: Hide & Drink Direct
Shipping Method: FBM
Release Date: 08-31-2018
Number of Sellers: 1
Category Path: Sports & Outdoors->Sports & Fitness->Hunting & Fishing->Archery->Accessories->Protective Gear->Finger Tabs;
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XTACER Finger Protector Arm Guard 3-Strap Leather Guard with Three Fingers Design Archery Finger Protector Traditional Shooting Glove Fits for Hunting Recurve Bow
ASIN Number: B01MYO23WM
BSR: 36376
Buybox Price: $22.99
Buybox Seller: XTACER
Shipping Method: FBM
Release Date: 08-08-2016
Number of Sellers: 1
Category Path: Sports & Outdoors->Sports & Fitness->Hunting & Fishing->Archery->Accessories->Protective Gear->Finger Tabs;
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YLS Archery Bowstring Finger Savers Finger Guards Shooting Practice Finger Protector Easy Install with Pin
ASIN Number: B07J4TMMH5
BSR: 42023
Buybox Price: $7.99
Buybox Seller: YL-SPORTS
Shipping Method: FBM
Release Date: 10-08-2018
Number of Sellers: 1
Category Path: Sports & Outdoors->Sports & Fitness->Hunting & Fishing->Archery->Accessories->Protective Gear->Finger Tabs;
check it on amzchart

EOUS Bow String Finger Saver Archery Bow Finger Guards Recurve Bows String Fingers Roller
ASIN Number: B07S892JB1
PASIN Number: B07S892JB1
BSR: 42037
Buybox Price: $7.95
Buybox Seller: Amazon Warehouse
Shipping Method: FBA
Release Date: 05-24-2019
Number of Sellers: 2
Category Path: Sports & Outdoors->Sports & Fitness->Hunting & Fishing->Archery->Accessories->Protective Gear->Finger Tabs;
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YLS Archery Bowstring Finger Savers Finger Guards Shooting Practice Finger Protector Easy Install with Pin
ASIN Number: B07J4MGVL4
BSR: 46559
Buybox Price: $7.99
Buybox Seller: YL-SPORTS
Shipping Method: FBM
Release Date: 10-08-2018
Number of Sellers: 1
Category Path: Sports & Outdoors->Sports & Fitness->Hunting & Fishing->Archery->Accessories->Protective Gear->Finger Tabs;
check it on amzchart
Now, you have mastered the detailed information of the top 5 products in the Finger Tabs category. More than that! You can track all of these high-performance products with Amazon BSR Tracker - AmzChart, to find more high BSR items. If you are interested in cross-border e-commerce or advertising optimization, you can also check amazon top sellers.
Want to achieve success in the Amazon marketplace? Pay more attention to Amazon top sellers, as well as Amazon BSR changes of products.
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